Free Webinars for Educators & Clinicians
Future Webinar
This webinar is designed to provide an introduction to teletherapy. Participants will learn key terms related to teletherapy, methods, and evidence-based practices.
Future Webinar
We'll learn actionable, research-based strategies for school administrators and education leaders to better support their staff, ultimately improving retention rates.
Recorded Webinar
Discover practical tips and strategies to navigate the complex world of educational grants.
Recorded Webinar
Join us for a captivating webinar exploring the practicalities and effectiveness of teletherapy in educational settings.
Recorded Webinar
Participants will dive into essential tools and resources utilized by speech-language pathologists and learn how to cater teletherapy plans to address common treatment areas within school-based services.
Recorded Webinar
Join eLuma and noted school psychologist Jason Basinger as they present the webinar “Mindfulness in Schools: Strategies for Promoting Mental Wellness in a COVID Environment”. This webinar addresses the basics of mindfulness (including some short mindfulness activities), gives an overview of recent research findings, and provides practical guidance on how schools implement mindfulness activities.
Recorded Webinar
Although 2020 is winding down, its legacy of uncertainty and change will continue into the foreseeable future. More than ever, educators need to be equipped with the right framework to deal with unprecedented challenges & circumstances. Come join us to hear from Mindy Hintze, a PROSCI Certified Change Management Practitioner, who has been managing change in various organizations for nearly 20 years. Mindy will break down change management into effective, actionable tasks to help you manage change in uncertain times. Effective change management takes a solid communication plan, learning opportunities, and reinforcement.
Recorded Webinar
Join eLuma and International Journal of Telerehabilitation Editor, Dr. Ellen Cohn, as they present the webinar “Teletherapy in a Post-COVID World”. This webinar will discuss the fundamentals of telerehabilitation and why it will continue to thrive in a post-COVID world.
Recorded Webinar
Integrated speech therapy can be a powerful tool for students with deficits in communication. This webinar focuses on strategies for speech therapists and teachers to collaboratively provide speech services in the classroom, both in-person and virtually. This collaboration reduces transition time which can cause undue stress on a student and increases productivity to help students and speech-language specialists make the most out of speech therapy sessions.
Recorded Webinar
Join our discussion with Dr. Cecil Reynolds, author of the BASC-3, RIAS-2, and TOMAL-2, on the validity and adaptions of remote assessment.
About the Presenter – Cecil R. Reynolds, Ph.D., editor-in-chief, Archives of Scientific Psychology and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology research. Professor of Educational Psychology, Professor of Neuroscience, and Distinguished Research Scholar of Texas A&M University. He has authored more than 40 commercially published tests including BASC-3, RIAS-2, and TOMAL-2. He has served on the editorial boards of 13 journals and some of his select publications include Encyclopedia of Special Education 4th Edition, The Energetic Brain, and Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of RTI.
Recorded Webinar
This presentation will provide strategies on applying a trauma-informed approach to the entire individualized educational program (IEP) development process, including an examination of current case law. This includes the evaluation, team meetings, engaging caregivers, report writing, and the development of IEP present levels and goals. Participants will be able to discuss the relevance and appropriateness of special education services for students with trauma histories and apply trauma-informed principles to the development of present levels and goals that focus more on skill development rather than compliance.
Recorded Webinar
This presentation will provide strategies to address anxiety in young people and families, discuss school transitions, and review an MTSS framework for targeting school-based mental and behavioral health supports. Participants will be able to review resources and discuss best practices in school re-entry and recovery.
Webinar Recorded
When COVID-19 struck, many schools faced the challenge of transitioning from traditional brick-and-mortar environments to virtual environments to provide educational and mental health services to their students. As infection rates decline, schools are planning another transition – this time back to in-person learning environments. However, students will be returning to school with a variety of challenges such as trauma, mental health concerns, and academic difficulties. To efficiently address these needs schools, need to plan and prepare for the transition from the pandemic to a new normal.
Recorded Webinar
In this webinar series, we will be talking with industry leaders as they address the research and practice of online service delivery of school-based, speech-language therapy services.
Recorded Webinar
In this webinar series, we will be talking with industry leaders as they address best practices on supporting mental health and wellness in schools.