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How Online Therapy Is Saving Special Ed Programs Thousands of Dollars

Here at eLuma, we are committed to giving back to the special education community-at-large. One way we want to do this is by presenting regular webinars. We choose from a wide range of topics and speakers that can provide valuable insights, knowledge, and utility to the participants.
With therapist turnover on the rise along with an increasing number of vacancies, budget-strapped Special Education departments all over the country are left scrambling to provide critical services. Online therapy services provide a viable solution to help with these critical issues along with a number of unique efficiencies and benefits. In this webinar, the presenters explore and compare the real costs of onsite and online therapies to address common misconceptions as well as show how and when online therapy might actually provide savings to schools and districts.
Jeremy Glauser is the founder and CEO of eLuma. With a background in education, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a passion for helping people in need, he founded eLuma to help solve the growing shortage problems in special education. In so doing, the company has become the nation’s leading teletherapy solution provider for K12 schools and districts. To date, the company has provided nearly one million hours of therapy (speech, school psych, OT, PT, and mental health/counseling services) to over 16,000 students throughout the United States. high-impact accessible education using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in fully online environments.